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Pass Pioneers 4H Club

Open Horse Show

November 11, 2017


Thank you for registering for the show online!  This makes our job so much easier and saves time at check-in!  Once your pre-registration is complete, YOU WILL ALSO BE ELIGIBLE FOR A PRIZE DRAWING...winner to be announced Saturday morning, day of the show!  

Please submit the completed form before

Friday, November 10 at 12 noon.   

When your entry form is received, a confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours.  If you have any concerns

that we've received your entry, email us at and we will let you know. 


You do not pay at this time, you will pay at the show when you check in.  We accept check or cash

(sorry NO debit/credit cards accepted). 

If you want to add and scratch at the gate, you will need to leave an open check or 

at least $50 extra cash at the show office.  (Any unused cash will be refunded at the end of the show). 

Of course we will also accept entries the day of the show. 

Just be aware that it will take more time at the show office to sign up, so you need to give yourselves more time so you don't miss your first class. 



Really easy....

1)  Exhibitor name.  If Exhibitor is under age 18 on 1/1/2017, please also list Exhibitor's age.

2)  Email:  Please list your email and make sure it is accurate.  We need a correct email to confirm your online entry and to contact you if we have a question. 


3)  If Exhibitor is under age 18, provide name of Exhibitor's parent/guardian and relation.

4)  Phone:  Please list your phone number including area code.  example (909) 123-4567

5)  Address:  Please list your address, including Street, City, State, and Zip.

6)  Horse's Name & Classes:  Please list your horse's name and the classes you wish to enter.  To enter your classes, please use the Show Premium class NUMBERS, separated by a comma.

How to determine if you should go in the "Non-Pro" or "Open" division:  If you make money showing, judging, or training horses OR instructing others on how to train, show, judge, or ride horses, then you must go in the Open division.  Please click here for a more complete explanation in our FAQ page. 


Remember to sign up for DAILY HIGH POINT!  There is NO extra charge and we have AWESOME prizes for CHAMPION!  To sign up, you just enter and show in a minimum of 5 specified classes in your division....The class numbers for each division's High Point eligibility are listed at the bottom of the Show Premium.  If you need to see them, click here to go to the Premium page, find and copy the class numbers required for your division, then come back and finish filling out your online entry.  :-)  You are allowed to ride in more than one division (for example English and Western) and may qualify to win more than one Daily High Point Award!  (See Highpoint Rules for details).  Someone is going to win, why not YOU?!  At the very least, you will have FUN!     

7)  Click the "SUBMIT" button when you are done.  You should receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.  



Success! Message received.

You will also need to present a signed WAIVER at the show office, the day of the show at check in.  


You may (click on the button below) to view, print, fill out, and BRING WITH YOU TO SAVE TIME 


you may obtain one at the show office and fill it out at check in.


 Thank you!

If you have any questions please contact us at



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